Cats purring

Privacy policy

This application provided by us at no cost and is intended for use as it. To offer you better application usage experience and to continue provide our application for free, we use some services which can process your personal data. If you choose to use our service, then you agree to your personal data collection and processing in relation to this policy.

Our application uses Google Analytics for Firebase to analyse the application usage and improve it. This technology also can notify us if application freezes or crashes so we can fix it as quick as possible. Firebase SDK is integrated in the application and may collect information about its usage including device identifiers, operating system version, IP addresses etc.

Our application uses AdMob to show more relevant ads for you. Google Mobile Ads SDK is integrated in the application and may collect and process such personal information as advertising identifiers to show personalized ads based on your interests.

You can opt-out personalized advertising using this link.

"Cookie" is a small piece of data which may be stored on your device for future access by local or remote application. We don't use such technology directly, but cookies may be used by AdMob and Firebase.

You can read more about Google and Google AdMob privacy policy here and here. You can read more about Firebase Analytics privacy policy here.

Our app is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 13. If we discover that we have collected any personal information from child, we will remove it immediately.

We do our best to protect your personal data, but please remember that there is no way to transmit information over Internet and store it digitally with 100% security and reliability, so we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Our app may contain links to third-party sites. We have no control over them so we recommend you to review their privacy policy before usage.

This privacy policy is subject for future changes.

If you have any questions about your personal data collection and processing feel free to contact us.